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Omg I love the game they were playing, it's called Rummikub and it is so fun!! The tile ho...

Nipsy October 8, 2023 6:24 pm

Omg I love the game they were playing, it's called Rummikub and it is so fun!! The tile hording strategy is actually super effective lol

    Lyreen October 9, 2023 12:40 am

    Lol I think to a certain degree, I wouldn't be too worried about having too much in hand but it's also luck based, so someone else could win the game faster than you by luck

    Nipsy October 9, 2023 8:22 pm
    Lol I think to a certain degree, I wouldn't be too worried about having too much in hand but it's also luck based, so someone else could win the game faster than you by luck Lyreen

    Obviously you need to play your tiles at some point... but certainly holding on to face tiles is good strategy. And it's nigh impossible for someone to go out when you have a third of the tiles in your hand lol of course it can happen but that'll be the case with any strategy. Your comment is so obvious I'm not sure why you had to make it...?