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Is this worth reading? I saw a lot of ppl comment that it’s a fucked up story and the ch...

Sato October 11, 2023 8:53 am

Is this worth reading? I saw a lot of ppl comment that it’s a fucked up story and the characters aren’t the smartest, but the art looks nice from a few glances

    Torabunbun October 11, 2023 10:08 am

    As long as you can understand the pain the two sisters are going through as it's a huge pill to swallow since it tackles real life problems for women, then yes. I would say it's worth it despite being a woman myself who went through a certain type of assault (the kind where inmates would kill a man for touching a child) as a child and it's triggering.

    NikkiNine October 11, 2023 1:21 pm
    As long as you can understand the pain the two sisters are going through as it's a huge pill to swallow since it tackles real life problems for women, then yes. I would say it's worth it despite being a woman m... Torabunbun

    Im sorry that happened to you:/
    You deserve better and hope things are looking up for you :)

    Sato October 11, 2023 10:19 pm
    As long as you can understand the pain the two sisters are going through as it's a huge pill to swallow since it tackles real life problems for women, then yes. I would say it's worth it despite being a woman m... Torabunbun

    I see, I’ll put on my my read list and check it out later, tysm. I hope u also do okay now, despite what happened to you before

    Torabunbun October 11, 2023 10:48 pm
    Im sorry that happened to you:/You deserve better and hope things are looking up for you :) NikkiNine

    I'm doing fine now. What I went through wasn't the "normal" situation between adult and child. It was children and child (me). I still have issues with men but I'm fine.

    Torabunbun October 11, 2023 10:50 pm
    I see, I’ll put on my my read list and check it out later, tysm. I hope u also do okay now, despite what happened to you before Sato

    Yw, check it out, it's quite good and the ML is actually decent.
    I am doing much better now. Didn't get any sort of justice but it's fine, we were all children anyway

    nis October 12, 2023 3:37 am

    Not worth reading.