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Haru needs to decide if he truly loves Ren and stop being selfish.

Kassie November 23, 2016 4:02 pm

I'm really tired of the way Haru is jerking Ren around. Just decide already if you love him or not. How many times does he have to go back and forth between hating him and blaming him for the deaths of his parents and being possessive and lovey dovey. Ren could have gone to Switzerland and practiced science and get a head start on a good life, and he gave it up to stay with Haru, its like Haru is his boulder tying him down. If Haru truly loved him he could faithfully wait a few years for Ren, or better yet pack up and go with him for a chance. Anyway I knida prefer Ren with Akira anyway, I think they would be a good couple. I haven't given up on Haru yet though, but he needs to get his shit in order, stop blaming Ren and for once be the one to leave his life behind for him instead of Ren always being the only one. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Chocolateislovechocolateislife November 23, 2016 4:13 pm

    I agree with you. It pisses me off when he does that. I'd rather Ren be with Akira or someone else who actually cherishes Ren and not yank his chain.

    Some perv' November 23, 2016 9:48 pm


    LallaLa November 27, 2016 1:42 am

    Well, if Haru did pack up and went together with Ren, as the good and smart kid Ren is, he'd feel bad for Shima and Aki, since those two wants to live with Haru. Besides, there are the other people who helped Haru and all, they should be taken into consideration. Though I do agree with you with everything you've said. It is an incredible opportunity that should not be put down.
    To be very honest, I am not even shipping haru x Ren anymore, I am more for Akira x Ren already. Haru pisses me off badly and all that blaming thing makes me want to punch him. Ren deserves better.