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Love me some good fucked up romance that is so sweet

pixelated lightsabers October 13, 2023 10:37 pm

Sure it’s problematic and I would shoot each and every one of those garbage dumps who abused Hyundo point blank in the face but I have to admit it’s pretty well done. A little smooth sailing in the end probably cause the author wanted to get it over with but the romance was cuter than I expected. Sometimes I love equally insane people falling in love and I like that Hyundo is not just a wide eyed helpless bottom and actually goes after that dick like an Olympic runner like go get it my champion. Lee Gyung also got good development too. He’s still an ass and I will also shoot him for the first few instances he had his way with Hyungdo but he got his character development. He even apologised, everyone please clap lmao

    TheMaidenGod December 1, 2023 3:36 am

    If you love equally insane people falling in love then you need to read Black Mirror manhua it is amazing! In fact I think I’ll reread that next.