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Not dissing this or anything

Ur_bisexual_bi*ch October 17, 2023 2:38 pm

I am perfectly with ML's family being apprehensive of FL and treating her skeptically, however I'll never understand how people blame the children for the crimes of the parent. Also didn't she recently uncover the drug scandal and actively help in it?? Why does no one consider that?

Also it's pretty clear that the drug cartel has nothing to do with her, but leaving that aside. She comes to the hometown and immediately people are looking down on her? Like how stupid is that? If she was truly involved in the cartel buisness and was an actual villainess, then the people would've been fucked!! And it's ironic that none of the people who insulted her are ready to take any responsibility if any of the consequences actually befall them?!

    nice November 10, 2023 6:10 am

    based from the sister's reaction, the northeners seem to not be caught up with recent news in the capital. And in her past life, she was kind of a spy without her knowing. So its reasonable for them to not trust her when it was the right move to do so in the past life.

    Ur_bisexual_bi*ch November 10, 2023 6:35 am
    based from the sister's reaction, the northeners seem to not be caught up with recent news in the capital. And in her past life, she was kind of a spy without her knowing. So its reasonable for them to not trus... nice

    That's what I'm saying, if they're not caught up with the recent news then isn't it wrong to judge her when clearly the brother is trusting her.
    I'm pretty sure she knows that her brother would've been suspicious of her usually but since he's not then there's clearly something going on right

    Also I'm not saying that they shouldn't be suspicious, but I'm saying they're being brash
    They're clearly showing their disdain towards her arrival and are openly rude, but if she actually was a spy then she could've easily asked the cartel to wipe them out since most cartel owners or participants are powerful and self centred