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Just finished reading the novels and let me tell you, the villain is x100000 more delulu t...

Elihinata October 20, 2023 5:01 am

Just finished reading the novels and let me tell you, the villain is x100000 more delulu than it seems at the moment

    baby_owl October 20, 2023 5:04 am

    ur lying what happens to the blonde and the brother tho?

    Elihinata October 20, 2023 5:08 am

    Should I spoil you the story? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    egii October 20, 2023 5:44 am
    Should I spoil you the story? ( ̄∇ ̄") Elihinata

    YES PLS!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Alisyia October 20, 2023 12:21 pm
    Should I spoil you the story? ( ̄∇ ̄") Elihinata


    Elihinata October 20, 2023 2:17 pm

    Sooooo this is a spoiler, I’m going to give some revealing facts about the story aka SPOILER DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT IT SPOILER SPOILER

    Ok, now I think it’s a hidden block. Please pardon my horrid summary skills and likely spelling mistakes I’ll make (my spellcheck is evil)

    Basically, the author of the game is the actual author of the novel, who has transmigrated into Lizé, the MC of the original story. They want to keep living the loop of the story (they like being the centre of attention and love having the world in love with them) but they get bored of it at the same time. Because of this, they manage to bend reality and bring the souls of their dead readers in the real world so they can reincarnate into the villainess Edith (so the story can vary a little bit but without actually stealing the spotlight, since they will remain the villainess and die). Basically she steals souls to torture them.

    Anyways, our current Edith I still very different from the past ones, so she’s managed to clear up to the second condition (something no Edith has ever done before), and because this diminishes the power the author has over the story and characters, they intervene multiple times and try to kill her (they try to drown her, make a past lover go all hate crime on her, kidnap her, etc). But Since Killian is slowly breaking free from the author’s control, he’s always trying to help and save his wife, who he’s slowly falling in love with (also he’s super horny for Edith, you wouldn’t imagine lol)

    Small characters like Lenon and Anna, who are not vital to the story, don’t actually feel charmed by the author/Lizé and think people are being unreasonable by blaming Edith every single time a fly dies. Big characters can slowly be convinced that Edith isn’t evil by offering logical answers - like the princess, who is pushed by Lizé in her cunning ways to humiliate Edith publicly in a national event. The princess discusses openly the fact that Edith “has tried to kill Lizé” (in fact, Lizé poisoned herself to blame Edith, since Edith gave her a gift) and that Edith is evil since her father is conspiring against the current emperor. Killian gets mad at the princess, then Edith hints that she’s tried to dissuade her father from being a traitor (she can’t openly say anything, so she uses very convincing gestures). The princess apologizes and accepts Edith as a friend, which was a role occupied by Lizé only in the past, and further diminishes the power of the author.

    Stuff happens (conspiration against the throne), Edith gets kidnapped alongside the duchess and Lizé by her family. They are sent to a cabin, but Edith is sent to the basement to be tortured by Sophia and her brother, while the duchess and Edit he remain on the first floor.

    At this time, the male Ludwigs are in the battleground, but they had received a letter from Lizé saying that Edith has been around the castle checking for intruders ( hinting that she’s a spy who wants to let the enemy in). The Duke and Cliff, who are very charmed by Lizé still, instantly think of Edith as a traitor and cliff is sent to their house back again to arrest her (all this without saying anything to Killian, since he’s clearly in love with Edith and they say he’s too emotional to follow the law - or actually going along with whatever idiot “justice” these two work with)

    Cliff saves Lizé and the duchess, and since he doesn’t see Edith with them on the first floor he thinks she’s villain and that she went back to her family to plot things, and he simply leaves the place without ever checking. He arrests all the Rigelhoffs there (maid and brother fo Edith included). Edith, down stairs, had persuaded the mercenaries to tie her loose so she could escape, and told them to run away if they didn’t want to die when Cliff gets their (she knew this would happen, since the kidnapping was a canon event). What she was surprised about was waking up to being alone. In the OG story Killian also knew about cliff being sent back to save Lizé and the duchess, so She thinks she’s been abandoned by Killian too. (Which isn’t true, because it’s due to Lizé saying that Edith wasn’t there that no one bothered to check)

    All beaten up, she managed to escape the cabin and got to the city, where she withdrew all her money from the bank and planned to run away. Sitting at the train station, she realized that she couldn’t bring herself to not see Killian, and that if she was going to Ben on the runway her whole life (at this point the rebelión failed and all people involved were set to die), she’d rather pass away soon to not suffer anymore and that’d she’d rather die in at the handshake of her beloved Killian.

    She’s captured by the knights of Ludwig and when she gets home she gets the typical “oh poor me, Edith how could you do this, plead you’re innocent and I’ll save you” show from Lizé. Being in front of the duke and his sons, She resigns to her death since no matter what she does she doesn’t think they’d believe her. And then the third and final condition is lifted: the author had imposed the rule that to break it, she had to accept the fact that she would die and accept her destiny (which Lizé didn’t think she’d would do because in her self centered life, she could not stomach the fact of letting others take her life). At the end, Killian manages to convince his father that she is a Ludwig and shouldn’t be judged as a Rigelhoff (hence, not killed). This, convinced with the fact that Edith’s father, brother and maid were all pushing for Edith particularly be killed, convinced the duke to not be so quick to judge. He asked Edith to be put in a cell in the mansion’s dungeon. There, Lizé appears to “give Edith a hot water bottle since she must be freezing”, but in fact, panicking over the fact that the of story is officially of The rails and wouldn’t loop anymore to make her the MC, she slashed her arm with a knife, throws it into the cell and tries to frame Edith.

    Killian and cliff get to her dungeon and Killian immediately notes that this doesn’t make sense. I’ll save you the details but basically Lizé didn’t plan too well and the whole scenario looks stupid. In the end, Edith is found a victim of her family and everyone starts to take pity on her and applaud her Forbes trying to do the right thing. Since the story is not following the author’s Wishes anymore, now everyone can s de that Edith is not evil.

    Edith confronts Lizé, since now she can’t say harm anymore, being powerless and al, that. And this is where we learn that author is INSANELY DELUSIONAL and that they think they were entitled to do anything here since they wrote the story, Edith told Lizé that she had no right to torture souls of other girls just for fun, and Lizé said that they hadn’t died anyways so might as well be thankful that she gave them a bonus life here, even if they were going to get killed. Edith can’t reason anymore with her, so she’s tells her to just live honestly from now on, since she’s no longer receiving the lucky treatment from being the MC.

    The first end happens here (with cliff claiming that he knows Lizé is evil but loves her anyways and saying that he always will), but then we get the side stories. The first couple chapters are set on Ryzen, the territory given to Killian as a count, and shows their cuteness married couple life.

    I honestly think this is where the author of the novel meant to end it, but got so much backlash from her readers on letting Lizé have a happy ending that she continued the side stories to say that in fact Cliff was actually still under the influence of the story and slowly breaking free. They suddenly don’t get along, and Lizé starts openly acting like an entitled b*tch now that she doesn’t have to put on her heroine mask. Since no one is charmed anymore, everyone starts hating her (both in and outside the Ludwig home). In the end, she tries to fool the imperial family to try to get in their favor, but is found out and sentenced to death (Edith saves her thanks to The magic of being now the female lead of the story and instead Lizé is exiled and sent to a monastery)

    Cliff gets married to a random girl later, who they say he’s really in love with. Killian and Edith have two kids and then lived happily ever after ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Elihinata October 20, 2023 2:26 pm
    ur lying what happens to the blonde and the brother tho? baby_owl

    Now for this one. Their story is actually not all that interestingly lol they’re just your regular, unintelligent bullies
    Their father manages to get a hold on iron ore, and thinks he can use this to make the duke divorce Edith and Killian. The duke, being horrible and still charmed, doesn’t agree but thinks he could get Killian to do it. (It doesn’t work in the end since after the rebellion, the emperor gives the Ludwigs the iron ore thingy that the rigelhoffs used to get Edith married to Killian)

    During the war, they openly try to paint Edith as a treacherous wh*re in events, but Edith puts them in their place. The duchess also defends Edith, and backed up by the princes, who thinks of Edith as a fun friend, they have no choice but to give up.

    After the rebellion. Their father comes back again to talk to the duke, and thinking that Edith was arrested and killed, says to Killian that he should forget about his pr*stitute of an exwife an de marry his daughter (the blonde girl). Killian threatens to kill him for disrespecting his still alive and very well loved wife, and they are further humiliated by 1. Not being a Kenyan to deal with the Ludwig’s anymore with their ore, and 2. Not being able to get Lizé back by claiming she was their family (even though they sold her and abused her).

    Leila tries to fight verbally with Edith when they are leaving the house, but again, Edith dismisses her.

    And that’s all lol. The only major thing these two do is gossip under Lizé’s hints (not directly, anonymously through letters)

    Ision October 20, 2023 4:09 pm

    Where is the translation

    you tweeted this October 21, 2023 5:27 pm
    Sooooo this is a spoiler, I’m going to give some revealing facts about the story aka SPOILER DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT WANT IT SPOILER SPOILER........... Ok, now I think it’s a hidden block. Please pardon my ... Elihinata

    not the real author of the novel getting a backlash for giving Lize a happy ending lololol

    Ision October 21, 2023 6:05 pm

    So you are all welcome . And omg it was good ending


    After Edith gets her good ending. Lise goes insane and drives cliff away. . I love after stories. We get her POV she is insane