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Are they related or not?

Adibaby October 20, 2023 1:05 pm

Why is the mother so against their relationship? Are they related and that's why? Also why does the alpha need his fathers permission? Isn't he a grown man? Why do you need your fathers permission to date someone? Why does he have to go work at his fathers company? Why does he have to get married to who his father tells me him to? I'm so confused.

    Kiriya October 21, 2023 11:03 am

    Did you read it at all?its okay I’ll answer your questions.
    The mother is against the relationship because they are uncle and nephew. It’s incest.. they are even blood related. He struck a deal with the father cause he don’t want them to bother Sooha.. which they will considering how scandalous the relationship is. He (ML) will get married and have kid (maybe thru ivf) idk and Idc..

    What I know and what I want is for Sooha to get help..for his health, mentally and physically…cause dammm his condition is bad..

    I was hoping that the child was theirs but now I know it’s not theirs. Pregnancy is too far-fetched to consider with Soohas condition…

    Everyone in this story is a red flag…

    Adibaby October 21, 2023 5:02 pm

    So they ARE related? Ewww I asked that question before and multiple ppl told me they WEREN'T related which is the reason I kept reading it. Thanks for explaining it to me. I'm gonna drop this one, incent is gross to me.

    Lola October 22, 2023 10:03 pm
    So they ARE related? Ewww I asked that question before and multiple ppl told me they WEREN'T related which is the reason I kept reading it. Thanks for explaining it to me. I'm gonna drop this one, incent is gro... Adibaby

    They are not blood related