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Aku~chan October 21, 2023 3:59 am

God dammit. I was really hoping his plan would work. Why didn’t he get out of his apartment faster ToT
I’m pissed he didn’t catch onto fuckwad being smart and quick on the uptake. Would’ve been satisfying to see Philip get sent to jail instead of turned into a murderer. -_-
I hope he still somehow manages to work with reporter lady and nail his a$$. Don’t want him to actually stay in this toxic mess since he’s not even relatable to him.
At least in Killing Stalking each of the leads’ messed up-ness matched each other..

    YuzukiMikage October 21, 2023 4:37 pm

    I dont get why their personalities are very different, not in a way thats similar to the realworld but it felt like one was made too realistically and one fictionally.

    Like I would never prioritize my romantic feelings over MY DEAD FRIEND THAT IVE LOVED SINCE CHILDHOOD WHO GAVE HER HEART TO ME.

    I was already fine with getting baited that it wasnt actually a whole ass lemon if it means getting the revenge halfway through the story. But now everything feels like its a forced fanservice.

    From the pictures I saw at the homepage before reading this, I thought Peter would blow Phillip then leave to America.

    But now were at stage 1 again and its already exhausting to be reading this. I expected better from this story and the buildup was great but they turned it into a third-rate story.