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EuroNerd October 23, 2023 11:46 am

You know what I really love about this manga? It's that you kinda see their love progress through the way they share the blanket. Like chapter 1, after they sleep for the first time, Kotani has the blanket all for himself including the robe not caring about his partner. Chapter 2, you can see he tried sharing it by kinda covering the uke's body. And then chapter 8 and 8.5 when they have confessed their love, they sleep under the same blanket and Kotani even cleans him up

    queen_twish October 23, 2023 12:58 pm

    help!!! same!!! i love that detail!!! not only on how they share the blanket but the way kotani slowly cleans up after shishi post-copulation !!! at first the tissues r all over the place but in the end the tissues are in the trash bin & everythings in order - goes to show he /cares/ even though it doesnt seem like it hawbahhwhw

    the microdetails per chapter makes this such a good read because despite them being frenemies and whatever, u can genuinely feel their love & adoration in a way thats not that obvious !!!!!

    thats why i completely adore this manga !!! i love kotani slowly being whipped by shishi !!! kotani's small blushes when shishi does something to fluster him !!! i rly dont get why ppl say kotani doesnt like shishi bcos he rly rly does

    EuroNerd October 23, 2023 9:16 pm
    help!!! same!!! i love that detail!!! not only on how they share the blanket but the way kotani slowly cleans up after shishi post-copulation !!! at first the tissues r all over the place but in the end the tis... queen_twish

    Yesss I love the mini details that show their progress throughout the chapters! That's why I also don't agree with the theory that Kotani doesn't like Shishi. Clearly, he doesn't seem like the type to express his feelings but I think the little details with the blanket and the tissues etc. are there precisely to show that he does love him

    Sasifras November 18, 2023 7:43 am

    I keep rereading while waiting for an update but I realized the mangaka keeps their body proportions consistent. Both are pretty much the same height with an argument to be made that one of them appearing taller than the other can be due to their hair that day.
    But the shower scene really puts their differences in view. Shishikura has a shorter torso and slightly broader shoulders to look more like an inverted triangle; this has remained consistent each time we have a view of his naked upper body thus far. Kotani is more elongated in the torso and his thighs are slightly thicker, something we can kind of see in his vest and slacks look.
    I hope we can see this again in another bath scene; it's trickier when they "assume the position" because looking anatomically correct is more important than making sure they always look like individual bodies (if you know that I mean; it's hard to describe.)