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Some thoughts

Gacha November 2, 2023 4:23 pm

I feel like if they retained literally any of the "being obsessive" thing the ml supposedly struggles with this plot would work more. Instead, he actively LETS her run off and doesn't even go to visit her. Him not having any of these traits(even minor indicators, I'm nos saying I WANT him to be an ass) also weakens Nellan's motives, since it feels like Nellan is angry at a completely different guy, making the moral debate a lot less interesting

Besides the other 90 plotlines that get ditched, the one that pisses me off most is Nellan. He had SO much potential as a villain, since he had justifiable reasons to hate jerrard while also being calculated and using his time to get revenge. This plotline being dropped as "nobody knows where he went" is so DUMB, there's no freaking way that guy would stop going after Jerrard.

I really think this story probably got forcibly cancelled or something because I don't think anyone would WILLINGLY end a story this way. This is the least satisfying ending I've read in a while.
