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my opinion to this bullshit ;)

elise November 8, 2023 9:08 pm

my opinion on this.. well i just didn't like it at all.
it's just that the rape made me feel extremely uncomfortable, to anyone obviously it would. i just think it was so unnecessary to add in. and also the part where mc said he loved him even though he broke up with him, like come on.. really.
i just thought that this was such a shit story, genuinely i loved the premise of bodyguard x novelist but this was a proper let down :((
i like dark romance (just noticed that till recently) and yes it had the dark themes in it but it didn't exactly portray it well. Let's just say I'm never reading this ass of a story again.

    MPK December 19, 2023 6:59 pm

    I 100% agree with you T-T the premise of novelist x bodyguard and ex lovers reuniting has so much potential but the delivery was…so cringe at times T-T the art was nice too, but I just can’t help but feel like the characters’ logic is so whack

    elise December 19, 2023 7:52 pm
    I 100% agree with you T-T the premise of novelist x bodyguard and ex lovers reuniting has so much potential but the delivery was…so cringe at times T-T the art was nice too, but I just can’t help but feel l... MPK

    exactly! like not every story has to follow noncon or rape to make it interesting..
    just another let down of a story