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MPK April 27, 2024 2:51 pm

I find the seme’s behavior really unlikeable. Real talk, asides from his supposedly nice face, what else is decent about him? Who wants to date someone so entitled and lazy. I feel like the uke keeps letting the seme walk over him and it wasn’t satisfying. The way he keeps giving in to the seme so easily means the seme will never actually change. Ofc this is just a manga and not real life, but it still feels like a hopeless relationship. This is how people continue to brew resentment in a relationship: by always expecting the other person to change, but always returning to the same dynamic and not knowing when to draw the line and maintain it.

Ele September 10, 2023 11:19 am

I thought this story was really realistic and enjoyed it so much! I don’t think either of the characters are perfect and feel like their development makes a lot of sense. To the people commenting that they hate the seme, I think it’s fair to not want to choose a partner like that for yourself, but it completely fits the personality of Asami to still pick his first love. He is the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. Meanwhile, I can completely understand the kind of immense family/cultural pressure that Sakuraba has been dealing with his whole life. The fact that he is declining the marriage match consistently, and the fact that he is working toward building a forever with Asami, is him trying to work on this relationship. It would be weird and unrealistic if he somehow did a 180 by the end of the story. The whole theme of this love story is cultivating a shy blooming love. Lastly, some people are complaining about the extra page, but I think it’s really cute how they both describe their ideal type. It’s obvious they’re talking about each other.

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