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I know it’s sad and even I cried a little. But she had the perfect chance to clear some ...

... November 8, 2023 11:01 pm

I know it’s sad and even I cried a little. But she had the perfect chance to clear some mysteries or actually help them with the power of foresight and she didn’t tell them a single useful thing except about Naviah’s moon tattoos?
Like why was creed locked up by the 2nd empress. Did Estelle die or was killed of by the 2nd emperor. How lark could break his mana reflux curse? Or regain the dukedoms authority? Why there couldn’t be a happy ending if they had all stayed together. Need I list more?

    ... November 8, 2023 11:03 pm

    Oh and most importantly. Why did Naviah have to hide from the celestial gods even if she has to die 8 times for it to happen?

    kyan November 9, 2023 1:53 am
    Oh and most importantly. Why did Naviah have to hide from the celestial gods even if she has to die 8 times for it to happen? ...

    i think it has to do with lark possibly. since hes an incarnate and only one incarnate can exist at one time, i think it means naviah cant exist if hes alive? if he died when naviah was born and her mother died then she wouldve had no one so i guess this is a win in her mothers eyes?

    ... November 9, 2023 8:39 am
    i think it has to do with lark possibly. since hes an incarnate and only one incarnate can exist at one time, i think it means naviah cant exist if hes alive? if he died when naviah was born and her mother died... kyan

    Maybe. But it’s all guesses for us. She didn’t really do anything productive with this once in a lifetime chance.

    NiJi November 9, 2023 2:06 pm
    Oh and most importantly. Why did Naviah have to hide from the celestial gods even if she has to die 8 times for it to happen? ...

    Because two incarnates can't live at the same time. If the gods discover that there are two of them, one will need to die. If she doesn't hide the kid, Naviah is the most probably the one who will die because an adult is more powerful than a newborn child.

    NiJi November 9, 2023 2:14 pm

    If they stayed together she would die the same because what I understood was that it was impossible for her to live in any of the futures she saw and the gods would have killed Naviah.

    Now is speculation, but Creed probably will have the same power as his mother so she doesn't need to prolong on how to save them after everyone's together (Naviah, Lark and Creed). They can figure it out from now on

    ... November 9, 2023 10:37 pm
    If they stayed together she would die the same because what I understood was that it was impossible for her to live in any of the futures she saw and the gods would have killed Naviah. Now is speculation, but C... NiJi

    Creed is powerful but his powers haven’t been specified as per my memory.
    And they will eventually have to face the empress that kept creed imprisoned because creed has to regain his title as crown prince or emperor. Being the son of the first empress he is probably the first born. We also know she has other schemes too. Why she imprisoned and tried to mind control creed. We also know she sent creed to kill Lark but he ended up entering Naviah’s room instead. She is also the one who wanted Naviah as her daughter in law remember? So I think she actually knows who Naviah’s parents are. And the times the first empress has been mentioned means she is also a significant figure who was actually the moms friend. But like I said nothing important except the information about Naviah’s regression and powers was mentioned. Which was disappointing really. If she can plan ahead to chose the best possible future she should have had the foresight to impart proper information.

    NiJi November 10, 2023 2:35 am
    Creed is powerful but his powers haven’t been specified as per my memory.And they will eventually have to face the empress that kept creed imprisoned because creed has to regain his title as crown prince or e... ...

    Yeap, it didn't show what his power is.
    The consort was trying to control Creed because she thinks he got the same ability of the empress and she wants to use as a some kind of weapon (I think it shows in one chapter, but it's more of a speculation of the consort).

    I didn't get the feeling that he was sent to kill Lark. What I saw was more like he momentarily got away from the brainwashing and could remember only one part of what he needed to do and so runned away, but I didn't get the feeling that it was the consort order but more like it was some power or something that the empress did before passing... Maybe I missed this part or I didn't understood completely so I'll read again.

    I don't remember the consort wanting Naviah as her daughter in law, it was more like she wants to f*uck anyone who wants to take advantage of her. She do is pretty crafty and is aways seeing between the lines. What I got was she wanted to see Naviah so that she could control the red haired Duke, like more like she was expecting to get rid of his mask. To be sure I think I need to read the novel.

    I get that some things are shown slowly, so maybe we can wait a little more to see if these blank parts will be filled and we can be less disappointed ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    ... November 10, 2023 9:05 am

    Yea maybe you are right about that speculation and maybe even he does have the power. If what you said about not being sent as an assassin is true then maybe it’s his foresight that led him to the duke. But I somehow remember Lark saying he attacked because he was being controlled? But yea your theory makes more sense because otherwise the 2nd lady would know exactly where he is.
    She wanted to meet Naviah because the engagement was already in discussion. Maybe it is that she wants to control everyone. But again. Why Naviah? Why Naviah ended up with the Angus family after her mother foresaw how they abused her for 8 lifetimes? See another question. That’s all the point I was making. So much information could have been imparted but Nopes.
    Yes we will know eventually but….isn’t nearly 90 chapters enough to reach that eventuality?

    NiJi November 10, 2023 1:20 pm

    He sure is being controlled and they really needs to get rid of the brainwashing but I don't remember if it was said what was the intention of this.. ( ̄∇ ̄")
    About Naviah staying in the Agnus family, in the beginning it is said the prince liked white things and red eyes (I think is the consort who said) so they probably searched for the most similar (and Naviah was in the orphanage so it just fitted perfectly). But why her mother left her there knowing this would've happened 8 times it's still a question.
    I get your point about how slowly it's shared those important information, it's annoying for me, but most of the webtoons I'm reading is slow like this or even worse.. maybe it's a trend..
    Maybe now it will be shared more fast after this huge "reveal".
    Unlike some stories that I have dropped off, this one still keeps my attention so I can continue reading.

    ... November 10, 2023 1:54 pm
    He sure is being controlled and they really needs to get rid of the brainwashing but I don't remember if it was said what was the intention of this.. ( ̄∇ ̄")About Naviah staying in the Agnus family, in the... NiJi

    Yea I am still reading this because it’s captivating. But honestly I am starting to question whether I will continue. So much could have been done with this recent arc. But Nopes.
    And if she consort mentioned white hair red eyes it’s again very specific. But yea we don’t have answers.

    NiJi November 10, 2023 3:35 pm
    Yea I am still reading this because it’s captivating. But honestly I am starting to question whether I will continue. So much could have been done with this recent arc. But Nopes.And if she consort mentioned ... ...

    Its in chapter 32. She says that the prince like to collect things with white fur and red eyes and how funny it is that the adopted daughter of Agnus just happens to have those two characteristics.
    So it's not said he likes people with these characteristics but if someone like this shows in front of him, we can guess the result...
    Agnus just went and got something that would make the prince obsessed and they could "aims for the trone".

    ... November 10, 2023 3:46 pm
    Its in chapter 32. She says that the prince like to collect things with white fur and red eyes and how funny it is that the adopted daughter of Agnus just happens to have those two characteristics. So it's not ... NiJi

    Okay but like I said not denying the princes possible interest. Questioning why the mother allowed Naviah to fall under the Agnus.

    NiJi November 14, 2023 6:15 am
    Okay but like I said not denying the princes possible interest. Questioning why the mother allowed Naviah to fall under the Agnus. ...

    Oh, I see. I usually search for spoilers but this time I didn't so don't know if your question will be answered. Until now the only thing the mother said in the video record was that this was the way she found where they could be happy.
    This is what I understood but it can be my speculation as well: she copied the empress ability and in the many futures she saw, this was one where at least 2 of the 3 of them could be happy. I read again the last chapter but I'm still confused

    ... November 14, 2023 8:39 am
    Oh, I see. I usually search for spoilers but this time I didn't so don't know if your question will be answered. Until now the only thing the mother said in the video record was that this was the way she found ... NiJi

    No what you said is right. I am simply saying that through this message she had a once in a lifetime chance to depart actual intel. Regarding their situation or the future she saw. But this was used just to give a sad yet heartfelt family reunion of sorts. The mother seems too smart to waste this opportunity to tell them what they don’t know but need to know. That was disappointing for me.

    CathyBLover November 15, 2023 11:26 am
    No what you said is right. I am simply saying that through this message she had a once in a lifetime chance to depart actual intel. Regarding their situation or the future she saw. But this was used just to giv... ...

    You need to remember that we don't know how thorough the foreseeing ability is. Is it all-knowing or does it simply show the most important snippets and turning points of the future? I'm leaning on the latter side, and we will also never know how terrible the other possibilities would have been.

    If she saw through thousands of terrible futures, no human could pick out a few (currently important) information if it was mostly unnecessary information at the time, when the goal was to just make both the father and daughter happy. But like I said, we won't know how much she ended up knowing and finding out.

    Spangles November 15, 2023 11:51 am
    Okay but like I said not denying the princes possible interest. Questioning why the mother allowed Naviah to fall under the Agnus. ...

    My speculation is that it's the only place that put Naviah in the right position to collect pertinent knowledge and education and to eventually meet Lark. He's not exactly accessible to her as a very famous shut in noble and unless she was desperate their paths just wouldn't cross.

    From the video message she obviously feels distraught at how much Naviah had to suffer

    oshawott November 15, 2023 12:42 pm
    Okay but like I said not denying the princes possible interest. Questioning why the mother allowed Naviah to fall under the Agnus. ...

    she did say she had no other choice but to make her go thru that hellhouse since she tried all the other possibilities. you can see how much she hated it too

    ... November 15, 2023 6:28 pm

    She saw multiple futures and chose the best possible one. So she did see more than one future. And even if she sees snippets she saw enough to chose the best possible outcome.
    I am not denying any of you guys theories. My only issue is that nothing concrete was revealed even though it was supposed to be a big incident that the mother actually foresaw the future and her actions are based on it. Least of all she could have at least told why Naviah had to suffer 8 lifetimes (!!!) before she can meet Lark. Ultimately this ‘revelation’ just left more questions are barely any answers. That’s all I am saying.

    Xia November 22, 2023 1:51 pm
    She saw multiple futures and chose the best possible one. So she did see more than one future. And even if she sees snippets she saw enough to chose the best possible outcome.I am not denying any of you guys th... ...

    She had to suffer 8 deaths and only come in contact with her real family in her last life because it was a repayment. God said she had to die 8 times first before contact was allowed for their help. So her mom probably picked the best she could in her deal with a god.

    ... November 22, 2023 7:14 pm
    She had to suffer 8 deaths and only come in contact with her real family in her last life because it was a repayment. God said she had to die 8 times first before contact was allowed for their help. So her mom ... Xia

    The gods payment was the mothers life though.