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I'm dumbfounded I actually read this to the end

Hoshi November 15, 2023 8:12 pm

Im absolutely baffled I managed to read it all. I'm a writer and an artist. The art was great, well-made. The storyline is off-putting though. The concept the creator had was an amazing concept, but the delivery was brutal.

Death, then kissing, then not a single break for the fl or the ml. I kept reading hoping that it would get better, but it just doesnt. After chapter 60ish, it just reigns chaos. The ending isn't even complete but I'd be content if I ended at 100 chapters.

I feel bad cause it looks like it couldve been amazing, but I lost hope. If you're starting to read Manwha or Manhua, this is definitely a book to save for later. Not one to read first unless you're not easily impressioned.
