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okay i know this is super super nonsensical and crazy but i wish it's ah yeon who would be...

pistachio1234 November 16, 2023 1:13 pm

okay i know this is super super nonsensical and crazy but i wish it's ah yeon who would be the emperor i think he would fit the role then dohwa and jeok yeon can stay together

    JacoBi November 16, 2023 3:04 pm

    No, no. You have a point, actually. Sometimes in a plot, the most innocent and expected to be weak is either the deadliest or the chosen.

    Diss_Ass_STAR November 16, 2023 3:52 pm

    No I thought about it too. He is kind and forgiving. Initially he came off as naive but I don't think he is.

    Torment Obelisker November 16, 2023 4:29 pm

    I completely agree with you and the other commenters, I love a-yeon so much. Also this is super dumb and probably means nothing but couldn't help but notice the current emperor, Doha his biological son, and a-yeon all have yellow/golden eyes hnnmmmmm

    JacoBi November 16, 2023 10:56 pm
    I completely agree with you and the other commenters, I love a-yeon so much. Also this is super dumb and probably means nothing but couldn't help but notice the current emperor, Doha his biological son, and a-y... Torment Obelisker

    Ohhhhh, now I'm curious about that as wellll~

    melon T-T November 17, 2023 9:09 am

    THIS!!! i honestly have the same opinion and i think that theres a chance he will be the emperor the creator kind of dropped hints towards the beginning that would make us think that.