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Misleading title!!!

yui December 7, 2016 1:50 pm

Well, I was kind of impatient and bought the book simply just to see the story as well as this type of pace and realistic is my cup of tea.

And yep, I am very happy with the ending now. The best would be the little diary at the end of the book, I wish the translation group would also translate this part as well.

Yuki Ringo sensei and Asou Mitsuaki sensei are earning my admiration more and more every time I read their work.

    night light December 7, 2016 2:15 pm

    so it will be happy ending right? i really like yuki ringo's work n my first was tamayura. sad, sweet n beautiful, so i hope that this time too it will be beautiful ending like tamayura

    crazycatlady68 December 7, 2016 2:42 pm

    You were lucky to be able to buy a book... envious :) Thank you for a kind of spoiler (I always read books from the end :( ), the title of this manga was making me a little nervous and now I can wait patiently :)

    night light December 7, 2016 4:30 pm

    lol of course i read it here in mangago, my country is very strict to something like this.
    haha me too i like spoiler n read the end before i read the whole chapter cos i dont really like sad ending