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I cried but i don't udnerstand anything?!

Peaaa November 22, 2023 5:35 pm

i don't know what's wrong with me lol i didn't understand anything especially the beach scene. Did they choose to just stay as brothers and just lived together forever? did they confessed their feelings or what?? someone help me

    the one who left it all behind December 31, 2023 5:02 pm

    Doesn't matter bro, it's a happy ending WOOOO so just get happy and have party yknow. Pretty sure it is love though

    FreshBleach March 26, 2024 6:30 pm

    From my understanding, Minoru wasn't able to separate 'brother' from 'Yutaka' through most of the volume. 'Yutaka' being just a person, not his brother. Example: when he was kissing Yutaka by feeding him a candy apple, he wasn't thinking of him as a brother and felt wrong (as explained when he was talking to the sensei). He kept thinking of just 'Yutaka' and then thinking "no Yutaka is also 'brother'". Whereas Yutaka was fine with Minoru as both a 'brother' and as 'Minoru'. Yutaka and Minoru talking at the beach subtly about their feelings made Minoru realize he could think of Yutaka as 'both' too and be okay with having feelings for him, which lead to Minoru being okay with them living together from now on as 'brothers' which now incorporates romantic feelings. Basically, Minoru came to terms with being in love with Yutaka and recognizing they could also be brothers. Just my interpretation though. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~