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Pachinko November 24, 2023 2:04 pm

Why is everything so over the place? Its so super rushed and I am not sure if this an issue with the translation but, nothing makes sense anymore. The price was dead out of no where. And how would she suddenly know that he also traveled back in time simply by looking at Dulcenea? Like what? Its like we skipped a couple of chapter of back story. And in the moment where she was angry (which she absolutely has the right too, she was meant to kill the prince) she turns around and wants him to love her? What? How does this make sense? Why the hell did the artist rush this so much...?

    Akanetendo November 24, 2023 2:51 pm

    Yes the traslation is unclear.

    Dirty_Cocaine! November 24, 2023 7:31 pm

    1. If you can differentiate between Spanish and English, you can know what read.
    2. In chapter 53 you can clearly see that she’s planning to do something to the prince, and then in chapter 54 it shows that he died of sleeping intense which she lit up meaning it was obviously poisoned.
    3. It wasn’t by looking at Dulcenea but at hearing what she was saying and then seeing what Wilhelm did to her and the look on his face. There were previous hints, but she kind of ignored them.
    4. Honestly, I was kind of confused on this part too, but I figured out that she didn’t actually order wilhelm to suduce her and he’s trying to explain to her what actually happened to the prince and how Dulcenea poisoned him for Wilhelm. But before, you can obviously see that she was previously in love with Wilhelm And hearing that he got imprisoned, and seeing him as he looked visibly thinner. She got worried because of her love for him. That’s when she realized that she was in love with Wilhelm and that he wasn’t just a tool to her and wants him to love her back.