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This is i found of the last ch....series I just finished reading the final chapter in Chin...

Moralala December 10, 2016 12:56 am

This is i found of the last ch....series
I just finished reading the final chapter in Chinese scan. And wow, the ending was somewhat ambiguous in the sense that the time skip of 7 years happened quite quickly within the same panel, like soon after the whole team's Alice in wonderland performance. The next thing we know is that a french woman congratulates Subaru and Nico for their marriage and then she went on to interview Subaru about her progress over the years in Paris and her final thoughts of becoming an Etoile despite the traditional strict regulations about foreigners participation. The series then just ends with an adult figure of Subaru without her face shown replying confidently to the interviewer that she would become an Etoile the next time they would meet again. So we don't actually know what happened to the other characters after their last performance in Japan. I felt the ending was somewhat rushed and it could have been better but I adore the series overall for the aesthetic execution of ballet and the interesting character cast.
