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I'm enjoying this manhwa just fine and just reading the comments, it's kind of getting t...

Naia GinGin November 26, 2023 8:53 pm

I'm enjoying this manhwa just fine and
just reading the comments, it's kind of getting to me. I've never made any comment on any topic related to this cause it's everyone's own opinion and good for them. But honestly humans can never be pleased, nothing can ever be perfect for them. Even I could get baised sometimes so I won't exclude myself, im human and not perfect. But I just find it funny how whenever a FL transmittes into the body of a younger person and ends up with the the Ml who's older than the body the FL is In, everyone gets frustrated and tense. Then if it's a case where the FL who like before is in the body of a child and she like grows up with the dude YET AGAIN Ya'll gonna be up the arss of the author. Like take a effin chill pill and relax it's fiction. FICTION. I rest my case. I know I'm gonna get some hate comments after this lol I. Go ahead as I said, everyone has their own opinion, I totally get that and respect that, but let's not hate on an authors life work for writing FICTION.

    Cookie January 12, 2024 2:36 pm

    I totally agree with you (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Nizze January 12, 2024 11:44 pm

    I get your point... I totally do. It's a complicated topic cuz theres 2 different ages in one body so if ml is same body age he's mentally (or souly?) way younger than mc's and it seems wrong but same is true if they are older but mentally more close to mc cus there's still age difference in this case too...
    I honestly don't mind a big age gap in both ways... 5 to 10yrs is ok... more than that... is ok if they only met as adults. Which brings me to what makes me kinda uncomfortable with this comic in specific.
    Dia was interested in him romantically since the beginning. It would be cute seeing her crushing on him if she was really a kid... but knowing there's an adult woman inside drooling over a kid's (or pre-teen) looks like she was... didn't sit very well with me.

    I'd be totally fine with it if the romantic interest only happened after the timeskip tho. Be in this or anywhere else I think showing kids (even with adults inside) romantically interested in people unsettling... it doesn't stop me from reading tho...

    And honestly? Ml's being step, half, or adopted brother's bothers me waaaay more than age gap... that's a bigger issue with me because is a bigger projection of reality than age gap with someone who either reincarnated, transmigrated or turned back time...