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If they just talked to each other from the start...........

yui December 10, 2016 6:09 am

Finally I caught up to current chapter (English translated chapter 49. / Raw ch.70), I almost leave this series mid-way as I almost couldn't stand the uke, I'm glad I just pulled myself to read it a little further. I don't like this kind of dumb decision making aka what uke did when he though he was heart broken. Then judging from his trauma causing by his father, I could empathised his situation and accepted his vulnerable emotion stage at the time. He just want to be loved and he simply just doesn't know how to loved and how to handle healthy relationship.

However, I still think that if they could talk to each other, thing might not turned out this way. For the blondie, I seriously don't give so much attention to him, I was kind of known since his character's been introduced that he will be that one that messed up the main couple pretty badly. Though we known more of his background, I just couldn't bring myself to like and forgive him, he messed up someone's life due to his own selfishness and what worse is that he knew pretty well that he did something terrible and it would caused himself greatly yet still stirred thing up and broke the innocent soul. No punishment whatsoever to be shown so far, even got back together with the girl, yep, of cause no sympathy needed for him. (/TДT)/ ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    yui December 10, 2016 6:16 am

    Ahhh, one thing I like about the uke is his mole (beauty mark) under his left eye, it's really charming. (≧∀≦)

    cleganebowl December 10, 2016 7:52 pm

    What a bastard, I hate him (the blonde guy), he just took advantage of a person with a lot of trouble, I can't believe that Park Min 's first time was with such bloody bastard, I wann ascream and forget to have started this manhwa (/TДT)/

    yui December 11, 2016 9:52 am
    What a bastard, I hate him (the blonde guy), he just took advantage of a person with a lot of trouble, I can't believe that Park Min 's first time was with such bloody bastard, I wann ascream and forget to have... cleganebowl

    I'm with you, when I read that part, I was like "Seriously!?!?!?(/TДT)/ " I tried to be positive by telling myself "perhaps they just kissed nothing more, it was alright." (though I knew they did it.) and then........yep turned out like we all know. Well, I actually respected park min's faithfulness after he was in a relationship with the blond guy, though his heart belongs to Chun Sam. Perhaps this is why I was quite disturbed of the way they broke up and how that blond guy handled the situation.

    cleganebowl December 11, 2016 9:55 am
    I'm with you, when I read that part, I was like "Seriously!?!?!?(/TДT)/ " I tried to be positive by telling myself "perhaps they just kissed nothing more, it was alright." (though I knew they did it.) and th... yui

    me tooo, I had the same reaction ┗( T﹏T )┛