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"My fate is to be with Ren, I can't throw that away and I don't want to". If Mahoro doesn...

Irene December 1, 2023 8:56 am

"My fate is to be with Ren, I can't throw that away and I don't want to".

If Mahoro doesn't want to throw away his fate to be with Ren and he still wants to be with Azuma, how does that make any sense? Sure, he has been searching for Ren all this time because of that fate, but if he TRULY loves Azuma, Azuma is his fate now. It seems like after everything they went through, Azuma still comes second to Ren. It would have been way more believable that Azuma is the one Mahoro wants to be with if he met Ren and still rejected him afterwards. That would have been a crucial moment to truly symbolize Mahoro moving on from Ren. Just like how Azuma was in love with someone else but he fully and truly loves Mahoro now.

Good concept but bad execution.
