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The MC is soo lame

PastelFire December 2, 2023 10:26 pm

He's literally an asshole thats way too cocky for someone who don't know shit. Why is he broad casting his every action? Shouldn't he be wearing a mask because everyone 'supposedly' knows what he looks like? I don't understand why he don't use his stealth skill to leave and enter gates and don't get me started on the little boy.

Why is he trusting a little kid anyways after someone tried to literally stab him in the back? He's taking advantage of the boy anyways. He don't help the little boy level up and he took both of his questions which one he wasted. Why does he bring the boy with him to the dungeons anyways? He's putting a easy target on his back. Why did he tell the boy to get rid the news reporters like they would listen to a literal child????? And two times???? Just ordering him around for no reason. And how was the boy who was a level two able to get into the luncan dungeon that was for level five and up?

And why is the mc skill distribution so uneven like even that shit out. He have the points, it's so annoying when he leaves one state so low just to put it in another stat that's already high. They keep saying that they're going to kill the mc and take his skills but the mc killed multiple people and he has no new skills??? And how is the mc getting income? They said in the beginning that he had a part time job but????

The plot is good but the execution is trash. The little boy is going to stab him in the back one day. I'm calling it. Shit I hope he do for the why he treats him.

    TinaD December 11, 2023 9:02 pm

    I agree, it would have been good and hebcould learn more. Besides it would've been more fun to mess with the others

    Riholu December 16, 2023 11:26 am

    I'm also surprised the kid hasn't died yet, being recognized as MC's little helper and weak as he seemingly is.
    The "change the future" thing is too overpowered at this point, his bonus points are endlessly rising for the smallest different act and it's kinda annoying.

    If anything tho, the fact that he's so openly acting instead of hiding is an interesting course of action compared to the usual "sneaky sneaky" MC. I haven't seen an MC so openly mocking the others so far, so it's kinda refreshing.
    I wish he wasn't such a killing machine tho. I get that enemies will stab you behind gour back and all, but damn it's no fun.