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Luciel December 5, 2023 8:42 pm

Jin Kang doesn't want to come back as Lrot until he revenges B by himself cuz his pride was hurt and ur telling me that VX is now helping him do almost all the job?????

    salvx December 6, 2023 9:11 am

    it’s less about how his pride was hurt and more about how he feels as though he literally doesn’t deserve to stand by vx’s side until he’s remedied this (despite no one in ZETA least of all vx actually thinking this) like the problem is literally about how he feels he has to solve these things on his own

    because of how he puts vx on a pedestal Jin Kang thinks he himself doesn’t deserve to be by vx’s side unless he’s perfect, and B brought that crashing to the ground. Meanwhile everyone in ZETA just want him back so it’s only natural for all of them to pitch in (vx doing the most of course bc his motives are a bit different)