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Why couldn't he hide him away or some thing? Can't he grow legs ( ̄へ ̄)? You jus...

Phantama December 6, 2023 10:11 am

Why couldn't he hide him away or some thing? Can't he grow legs ( ̄へ ̄)?

You just let your lover stay in the ocean to possibly be taken and feasted upon by the wealthy? What if you didn't have the money? What if someone outbid you? Like chile- and this is so short, give us more background.

Like were they dating only until recently when he heard the news a mermaid was caught? Is he sure that's the same mermaid. Did they break up for a while? Is he the reason the mermaid was caught? Is he married to someone else? I need to know how sorry i should feel. I have so many questions.

If he's that wealthy make an indoor ocean bffr. This was made just to be a tragedy. If it was a real tragedy he would've lost the bid and had to watch someone else eat him #-.-)
