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sweety1997 December 8, 2023 12:44 am

I ran out of stuff to read so was looking through all completed works to see things that have good ratings and positive comments. But I guess I cannot do this. I cannot read stuff that has sex in it with minors. I think the only people who should read erotic stories with explicit sex scenes (be it novel or webtoon), should be minors themselves. It feels fucked up to read stuff like this as an adult. My stomach just turns. They are babies. I don't wanna see babies do that. Urgh. Boggles my mind how adults draw this. I mean you could say my brain feels matured nowadays that I get closer to 30 and I can say with a full adult chest, this is fucked up. Hhhhh anyway. The start was nice and I liked the adorable lil young man who was such a responsible "dom" and their communication and everything. It was heartwarming. But when the sex scene got introduced I had to run. Like naaaaaaaah. Byeeeee....(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Blue December 14, 2023 6:00 am

    as a minor I guess I don’t care as much lmao

    Psyche December 15, 2023 9:54 am

    U can filter out "school life" if you can't read stuff with minors. Not all of them will be filtered out obviously, but that should help ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    sweety1997 December 15, 2023 3:30 pm
    U can filter out "school life" if you can't read stuff with minors. Not all of them will be filtered out obviously, but that should help ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Psyche

    Yes I am! I am doing thay now :) But some college and uni stories are also under “school life” whoch is why I usually just rely on guessing from the cover. And usually the tag is student x student. Which again also can mean adult students. I like uni stories. So yeah. Anyway I sometimes also assum its shounen ai and then like now get shocked. It’s a recent discovery of mine. I realised I feel disturbed to see anything like this with minors involved. 20 yo characters in these scenarios is like the minimum I can bear to just read. any lower than that I cannot so I just skip. This comment was to share my thoughts on this matter

    Cleopatra January 15, 2024 3:37 am

    ye I totally get what you mean. I started reading bl in my teens and now Im nearing my 30s and sometimes Im like uuuuh I feel weird about this Imma head out now O_O when I read smutty stuff with teens. I engage with a lot more distance I think than I used to or I think at least that the pornographic aspect isnt as important to me a lot of the time as much as the "coming of age" feeling part of the story. So I think if it's done well it gives you a "going back in time" feeling instead of a "leering at high schoolers" feeling (the types of stories where I feel uncomfortable). Like this was erotic but not in the second way more in the "I empathise with kids figuring out their sexuality and self" way of thinking and that connection is what stirs me up if that makes sense.

    It's crazy though how we (well, I) used to read age gap stories between underage kids and ppl my current age and think they were cool under certain conditions and very romantic and now I read them and Im like WHY IS AN ADULT WRITING THIS WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE
    It's weird how your perspective changes with time, though I do think the stories being written today are definitely different from those 15 years ago in those regards because the authors and audience also reflect on their work with time. Like, we have more smutty or explicit stuff being written these days, but also a bigger understanding of consent, more understanding of queer relationship and being lgbtq, and a bigger variety in ages and lifestyles. There's also a ton of stuff that is a lot more escapist or all the way unrealistic or rapey (like isekai, omegaverse, guideverse, stories about pop idol lives etc) but that's I think what is interesting about our subculture, it's all about how desire works in the mind, which is such a complex thing.

    Nblur February 16, 2024 3:36 pm

    I started reading yaoi since I was teen and I passed that 30yo mark for quite a while already, I have to admit that I don’t feel any guilt at all

    sweety1997 February 16, 2024 10:20 pm
    I started reading yaoi since I was teen and I passed that 30yo mark for quite a while already, I have to admit that I don’t feel any guilt at all Nblur

    What you expose your brain to, is what you become. Doesn't necessarily mean you become a criminal from playing games where you murder or something. But it does influence YOU. So YOU became someone that is desensitised to this kind of stuff. So you do not FEEL or THINK deeply and become CONSCIOUS, when you are exposed to something like explicit sex scenes between characters that are still minors or in general very much not at your level of maturity (physical; frontal lobe still develops in your 20s). This is not a diss or judgment. It's facts. I just rewrote what you said about yourself in a different way. You are not the only one. Most human beings are desensitised to things. We see the negative consequences of this on the daily. Though it is not very much broadcasted by the media, because it is within the parameters of governments that are in an alliance and have a mutual agenda where this is very much part of.

    sweety1997 February 16, 2024 10:24 pm
    I started reading yaoi since I was teen and I passed that 30yo mark for quite a while already, I have to admit that I don’t feel any guilt at all Nblur

    Basically your internal moral system and critical thinking ability and ability to feel have been fucked with. They are not to the full capacity of what they should be for someone your age. If you get brain scans done, it might even show changes in your brain. Not just explicit filmed porn changes and damages your brain. Anything does. Anything that has an affect on your brain, influences your brain and can change your brain. For the better or worse...though I am sure you don't care. As people rarely do. (Due to being desensitised and also unable to let go of long standing habits that became part of ones comfort zone. )

    Cleopatra February 16, 2024 11:53 pm
    Basically your internal moral system and critical thinking ability and ability to feel have been fucked with. They are not to the full capacity of what they should be for someone your age. If you get brain scan... sweety1997

    Bruh I think ure blowing this out of proportion. There's plenty of people that fantasize about shit they'd never do irl. Hell, irl I'm a complete lesbo with 0 attraction to men yet something about 2d fairy tale men still gets to me. Kink is literally also a thing that exists, people getting off on receiving pain or giving pain, being humiliated or humiliate others just to name some of the mild stuff. Doesnt mean in their daily lives they get off on it (which is a weird misconception many vanilla ppl have).
    Honestly I'm only saying this for your sake. Holding onto such a mightier than thou *your brain is wrong if you dont feel the things I feel and I need to shame you for it* way of seeing the world is only gonna hurt you. I get where ure coming from forreal because I do partially agree but this behavior isnt helping you or randos you're writing walltext to on forums about.

    Get.. therapy..? Maybe?

    Nblur February 17, 2024 12:51 am
    Bruh I think ure blowing this out of proportion. There's plenty of people that fantasize about shit they'd never do irl. Hell, irl I'm a complete lesbo with 0 attraction to men yet something about 2d fairy tale... Cleopatra

    Haha actually my reply to sweety1997 is longer but it was cut off somehow. Basically I also said though I don’t feel any guilt toward these 2D minors’sex scenes, it’s not like I am ignorant to the same things in real life. I am still fully capable of getting angry/sad over immoral acts I read on the news or heard from others, to be fair, most people around me think that I’m quite an emotional person I have to say, or at least that’s what they told me
    So my point is it’s okay if he/she fuilt guilty toward this all they want, it’s okay it might not have been made for them, but you shouldn’t be too serious about judging a person over here just based on what they read as entertainment, it does not tell what kind of person they’re in real life

    Cleopatra February 17, 2024 9:24 am
    Haha actually my reply to sweety1997 is longer but it was cut off somehow. Basically I also said though I don’t feel any guilt toward these 2D minors’sex scenes, it’s not like I am ignorant to the same th... Nblur
