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Finished and sobbing

Blue December 13, 2023 9:14 pm

I think when someone wants revenge and if its something theyve craved since childhood, “sleeping with a friend” is nothing and yes i get that hes rich and prolly can do anything but the guy he slept with, if you read the story is a direct connection to an important source of information that thugs and hiring can’t easily acquire. That guy was in love with him, it really established how important his desire for revenge was (but hunyeok was more important than that) and how he didnt go with the plan of suicide just to be with hunyeok again, he could have killed himself after getting a new identity but he didnt. Hes been planning to die for so long for revenge, hows a little sex gonna compare to that? (People are allowed to fuck when not in a romance relationship, they havent fully realized their feelings at the time so it wasnt even cheating) although you guys are allowed to be upset since its okay to be uncomfy and heartbroken by them, this is just my opinion.

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies March 10, 2024 10:19 am

    Yh honestly I hated it I just hated seeing them have sex I felt like there was so many other ways he could've got that info but Ik it's just something I personally dont liek I don't think it was cheating tho but it defo made me uncomfortable lol it kinda annoyed me that he made him watch and that the seem never found out that he was sleeping with the guy for info