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Actually, I have no problem with Mio playing around however........

yui December 17, 2016 9:08 am

I have no problem with Mio playing around however; it doesn't means I am comfortable with him sleeping around with his colleagues. You can be as playful as you want OUTSIDE your workplace, keep your personal life away and DO NOT mix them all up. What even worse was you got this job through your nice childhood friend. How ignorance can you be. This is the issue that I think it's unacceptable and immature of Mio. I feel embarrassed for Shino when his colleagues or people in his office came up to him and mentioned about Mio in a funny and sly way.

The art is really pretty, I like it. Looking forward to next update. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    MissManga June 29, 2017 4:17 am

    Why do you assume he slept with HIS colleagues? I didn't get that impression. Besides, the chief at the restroom. I thought others peeps liked him because he was nice guy.Not because he slept with the whole company. I don't think he's stupid ended up doing that.