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I don’t understand

Soybean December 20, 2023 3:52 am

I feel betrayed. Can someone explain how this is finished already?

The ending was so rushed that the plot in the last chapters felt flat and undeserved. I really loved the idea of Soru and Yato loving each other as “an unfeeling monster” and “ill-omen death-bringer” but their romance got such little space that it felt underdeveloped. The last chapters just rushed through major plot points to the point of even skipping stuff?

I saw a spoiler from the novel that said something about Soru losing her memories (as well as her feelings for Jahyun) before developing a relationship with Yato which seems way more appropriate. I can’t imagine her moving on without ever seeing Jahyun again when she has been so attached to him for the majority of the story.
