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And pls Sungji is not a healer element here, Sumin didn't even heal to even start with. Ho...

Seju99 December 20, 2023 6:54 pm

And pls Sungji is not a healer element here, Sumin didn't even heal to even start with. How can she be a healer when the only thing she cares about is sex, she has never bothered to get to know Sumin and talk about her dark past to help her overcome that dark past and trauma and be a better person, Sungji didn't even bother to ask Sumin about her tattoo, even bunch of Sumin's exes asked her about it, like girl that's your girlfriend, don't you care to know? Sungji is the most shallow character ever, she doesn't even have a good reason why she loves Sumin, she is a no different than any of her exes, she is just naive, all of them dated Sumin bcs she's pretty and rich, Sungji is just there to have sex and to enjoy a more comfortable life since she still lives with her family and can't even buy a car of her own, she doesn't even own a passport before meeting Sumin, why wouldn't she stick to by Sumin's side? Even Sumin knows how shallow their relationship is, like she literally had to write her a will to inherit her properties, what a romantic ending lol. Seju is the only girlfriend Sumin had who had a really good reason to why she loves Sumin, Seju is the only one who genuinely loved Sumin, poor girl was even ready to die for her when Sumin doesn't even deserve it.

And Sungji is not the reason why Sumin and Seju's toxic relationship stopped pls, Sungji did nothing to stop it, it was Nammi. Nammi is the reason why Sumin stopped being revengeful and hateful towards Seju, If Nammi didn't lie to Sumin about sleeping with Seju, Sumin wouldn't have admitted that she's still in love with Seju, Sumin was finally forced to admit that she's still in love with Seju after showing jealousy and possessiveness signs, which made Sumin finally admit to Seju that she still loves her and stopped being revengeful.

Sungji is one of the worst main characters ever, I don't even consider her a main character to be honest, she is no different than a background character she just had more scenes that added nothing to the plot, even Nammi and Seju's brother who didn't appear much played a bigger role and contributed better to the plotline. The author put zero efforts at writing her character, they didn't add any depth, I don't even know what is her role except being Sumin's doormat boring girlfriend, Sumin and Seju are the only main characters. Sumin > Seju >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sungji. I don't consider someone like Sungji who added nothing to the plot a main character no matter how many scenes she has, which was all scenes with Sumin, girl can't even narrate a chapter of her own.
