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Explaination for the second story.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 7:23 pm

When I first read the second story it was a one shot of the second chapter so I didn't understand. Now having read all three I do. So Mei met a twin, gradually both fell in love with him, he chose the girl Sato, the boy Sato (Iida) was upset over his unrequited love. He wanted Mei and purposely kissed him when he knew his sister would walk in because he wanted to hurt her for having what he desired. Upset over what she saw, she killed herself (overreacting much?) Mei fell in love with the twin boy Iida, however the remaining twin never made a move out of guilt, instead he goes out with Maisato's (the third Sato, a nickname given by Mei) boyfriend Akira, stealing him, funnily enough Maisato's boyfriend Akira was just using him as a substitute since he actually liked Iida. Maisato recognizes that the one who stole his boyfriend likes Mei, so he tricks and seduces Mei into going out with him out of revenge looking to steal what he loved from him as well. Iida understands this and that's why he looks at Mei and Maisato's love with pity. The twist is that Mei, who was in love with Iida fell out of love with him for the new Sato aka Maisato, Maisato also fell in love despite his initial idea of using him only for revenge. Iida seeing this recognizes that he has officially lost Mei as Mei no longer loves him, he's been completely replaced by Maisato, Akira comforts him and he realizes that he loves Akira and that he could have a good relationship with him. The end! Put simply, Iida stole Akira from Maisato so Maisato stole Mei and each couple fell in love.

    Aku~chan January 14, 2017 6:21 am

    Pretty spot on. Only thing I'd change is that female Sato killed herself because when the kiss happened, Mei had no idea that Iida felt that way but once he realized his feelings he couldn't ignore them and started loving him instead( . So her POV probably had the mix of 'omg Mei doesn't love me' mixed with 'holy crap there's no way my bro and I can both be happy now' (guessing since they knew each other so well and she probably immediately thought of the pain her brother had during their relationship like Mei had). That page also has her saying 'I understand' a lot even though it doesn't look like Mei said he loved her brother but it looks like she came to the conclusion herself pretty quick considering she ended her life that night. So I'm not sure if I'd characterize that in particular as overreacting. It's a lot of sh*t to process..

    Leimaymay❤ February 18, 2017 8:36 am

    I think you're wrong. Looks like Mei also fell out of love with the 3rd sato. Just sad. you can see it from Page 21-23 of chap 7.

    Psycheee February 19, 2017 11:59 am
    I think you're wrong. Looks like Mei also fell out of love with the 3rd sato. Just sad. you can see it from Page 21-23 of chap 7. Leimaymay❤

    I think it was meant for Iida. He never mentioned that he fell in love with the 3rd Sato.

    Anonymous March 10, 2017 10:52 am
    I think you're wrong. Looks like Mei also fell out of love with the 3rd sato. Just sad. you can see it from Page 21-23 of chap 7. Leimaymay❤

    Nope, he was talking about falling out of love for Iida, he's slowly forgetting him. It's why he Misato became clearer to Mei because Iida was not as important anymore.