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LαɳWαɳɠJι December 26, 2023 5:51 am

I don't get why people acting so annoying at her hiding her true skills. Like bitch, she can do whatever she wants. Stop yourself getting agitated by that. If you want to get annoyed, get annoyed at the right things like why the hell, the creator make a lot of reverse harem scene around her like let her be. Ignorant and quiet as ever. Got it? UGHH

    Lipilu March 13, 2024 7:12 am

    I usually don't mind but in these stories it's always obvious that they're eventually going to expose themselves bc MC has to be special compared to others and whatnot. So when they repeatedly go outta the way to clumsily "hide" their true strength, it gets old since we know it'll be revealed anyway so what's the point really? Just have a normal MC at that point.