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my two cents

noa December 27, 2023 12:18 pm

Well, what a shit show this was. I actually had to skip through all the 'romance' bullshit, cause surprisingly I was curious if there would be any redemption arc or something - I don't even know what I was expecting, clearly.

I didn't find any of the main characters likable, like niet not one part of their personality was least understandable. They were manipulative, 'whore - in their own words' that deserved each other.

But i guess that's what makes this so different, this shows characters willing to go 'down and dirty' to get what they want. Your average person would find the characters fascinating as their thought process and actions are so irrational, that one might think how can someone be this dumb.

I don't understand the 'romance' either, I didn't find any of their interactions cute. But then again I'm glad I didn't haha, maybe I'm more sane than I thought.

I'm giving this two stars instead of one as it is indeed a brilliant perspective, but just one that I don't care much to explore.

PS: the art is fucking gorgeous

    Peachyblue January 2, 2024 8:47 am

    Wish I'd read this since now i somehow came halfway and noped out since there was no redemption in sight (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸