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WishingStarz December 29, 2023 11:24 am

I came from watching the anime, and even though it's pretty similar the major difference for the anime is the focus on the fans being more prominent.
I'm not going to lie, after the first episode I wasn't interested and was going to drop it but I always make sure to watch until the very last second when watching the first episode of any anime and that's when I seen the ending clip.
It was concerning the fans and it really got me hooked, then after the third episode I realize that watching the fans who can show such passion and drive for something they love was very endearing to me. Even though it's just anime It makes me feel good, especially since I'm severely depressed so I struggle to have any passion or drive for even things that I love. Watching and reading the scenes where the fans are showing their determination for their Bias is very relaxing to me and I love it.
