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Lei December 25, 2016 7:58 am

Yusuke could have played the family card stronger to blast Itou into whatever dark hole he came out of. Family first, as is the general rule when you're an older brother.

Source: I'm an older brother.

    himiichan January 18, 2017 4:20 pm

    As a younger sister I'll easily gave up and let my older sister do everything dor me lol

    Aerika February 18, 2017 7:07 pm

    Oldest. Sister of three.
    siblings>parents and everyone else.

    Sibs need to respect your life vs theirs but know you make yourself strong to have strength in reserve for them. Listen, love, lead. The role of an older sibling.

    (And I've told them repeatedly, I reserve the right to die first)