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I'm pretty sure that older larga likes (romantically) and would rather be with Ewan than h...

GrapeKiwi January 5, 2024 8:09 pm

I'm pretty sure that older larga likes (romantically) and would rather be with Ewan than his current master. The biting on the hand seems like a "marking what's mine" situation. Ewan said he never liked him but then thought back to when he was being comforted

    LIGMA January 11, 2024 11:48 pm


    Fist_of_Petals February 12, 2024 6:04 pm
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ LIGMA

    What's ligma...


    I'm sorry bey

    Fist_of_Petals February 12, 2024 6:11 pm

    That's what I thought too but I keep analysing it and I can't figure out 100% if he's asserting dominance because he knows Ewan should be captain and is keeping him at a meta bay of some sort... Or if he's genuinely into him and his speech was his way of encouraging him to take action against the current captain... I find both equally mediocrally interesting but if the author built a different drive for that character that'll somehow lead us to the scar's back story and interlink in an unexpected way then I'm so game for that