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the cover of the manhwa…. could it be the same artist as the manhwa with the baby dragon

keiji January 7, 2024 10:04 am

the cover of the manhwa…. could it be the same artist as the manhwa with the baby dragon

    BL_life_4me February 5, 2024 12:37 am

    At first I thought that was what it was too which is why I decided to read it since the cover looked familiar. But as I compared the current manwha and the cover art they don't look even remotely alike! Either it's a placeholder (which prob not) or stolen which is highly probable.

    Poison Princess March 11, 2024 1:55 pm
    At first I thought that was what it was too which is why I decided to read it since the cover looked familiar. But as I compared the current manwha and the cover art they don't look even remotely alike! Either ... BL_life_4me

    I think the artist of Black Dragon does the art for the novel. In Pinterest you can find a ton more. It appears once in a while while I scroll. Or just fanart. I can say most of the art is def not from Black Dragon so I don't know specifics.