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Okay… Maybe I should explain our notes a little

LittleHi January 7, 2024 5:54 pm

Let that be very clear, what he did was awful beyond compare. I, the proofreader (people often mistake me for the translator) has read the novel and know what’s the come, so I also don’t hate cp, STILL that doesn’t mean that I am not shocked by what he did It was very painful to see. The reason why the notes to the general is that I’m just frustrated… he cares but does noting about it… and don’t come at me like… “but he’s kind to our uke” because that didn’t help him did it? The general is just a side character who did noting until the fire pit… that’s it. And when the uke needed him the most he just sat by and noting and don’t even dare say “he was struggling” because you saw how easily he got past those swords.

But moreover people JUST RESPECT OUR OPINION. We’re not bashing on you because you side with the general now do we? Why do you even care anyway? We worked very hard to post these chapters and if it will make you happy we can also just quit… and then you never see the ending in English.
Also to avoid further frustration we’re not going to put notes in like that for a while.

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- January 7, 2024 6:05 pm

    ty for uploading and people can ship whoever they want . even urself . i also read ur notes wrong . but its nice to see u clear things up . even tho u didnt had to.

    Vee January 7, 2024 7:28 pm

    Idk going against the emperor isn't very easy. He could only do so much. Saving the boy from the fire is also a great feat because he's also at risk of dying there. Just getting my two cents here. Also, thank you for your hard work in translating this story and giving consideration to us

    Vivian January 7, 2024 9:37 pm

    Wait… You read the novel? Does cp really redeem himself after all of this? Seems like mc would just accept cp even without cp trying.. can you please tell us if the regret arc is satisfying or not?

    LittleHi January 8, 2024 10:59 am
    Wait… You read the novel? Does cp really redeem himself after all of this? Seems like mc would just accept cp even without cp trying.. can you please tell us if the regret arc is satisfying or not? Vivian

    Wel… cp will spent three years looking for him. He’s going to be a complete wreck without the MC…
    Oh and he even makes a special garden in memorial of the MC

    Sazz January 9, 2024 2:23 am
    Idk going against the emperor isn't very easy. He could only do so much. Saving the boy from the fire is also a great feat because he's also at risk of dying there. Just getting my two cents here. Also, thank y... Vee
