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Finn Ames

WishingStarz January 8, 2024 6:33 am

I'm at chapter 43
Nothing against the story, it's just not my genre normally so I already would have dropped it. However, Finn Ames is carrying this for me. My bias, loved him in the anime so now I gotta read the manga! I plan to read this just because of this character and I'm excited to see him grow.(I got a thing for weak male characters, especially when the character development makes them stronger)

On a separate note, does the author not know many women? So far the two female characters that have appeared, have been super weak and annoying. (I especially get annoyed with female characters that obsess over romance) ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Anybody feel free to tell me if there is at least one strong female in the manga down the road?

    Lucien January 8, 2024 1:43 pm

    yeah! there is, she's one of the strongest chsracters in the whole manga, actually. and while lemon rn may not seem that, well, good as a character, i think you'll like her more later on. while she is just a mash simp, she's really admirable as a character and i like her a lot.

    WishingStarz January 8, 2024 6:51 pm
    yeah! there is, she's one of the strongest chsracters in the whole manga, actually. and while lemon rn may not seem that, well, good as a character, i think you'll like her more later on. while she is just a ma... Lucien

    Thanks for info.