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Sorry this is a really long review

Nipsy January 9, 2024 10:29 am

I definitely prefer the original translation, I actually feel like it makes more sense at times but its still early so we'll see. I love this story and I just have to say (although i guess its an unpopular opinion) that I think the seme gets a bad rep that I don't think he fully deserves. Hosik's biggest flaw is that he is terribly influenced by the opinions of others. Almost every single conflict in the story is the result of him overhearing someone or him listening to Jiwoon. The seme even says it at one point, Hosik is always worried about something new after he sees Jiwoon. And Jiwoon does undermine their relationship every single chance he gets. Hosik did like the seme, but when he asked Jiwoon what he thought of a male couple Jiwoon said it was gross and Hosik immediately questioned his feelings and avoided the seme. When he was drunk on the infamous night he told the seme that he liked him and the seme didn't know he wasn't fully conscious until the next morning. I'm not defending r@pe but if Hosik remembered what happened he would not have considered it r@pe. I understand if thats a deal breaker for you, but for a yaoi, I feel like it's not as bad as people are making it out to be? My point is that Hosik wanted to be with sungyeon, didn't want to have an abortion, and was only doing the opposite because he was being influenced by others opinions. Jiwoon forces him to get an abortion when it's clear he doesn't want one and would be traumatized by it! (It's actually common for people who receive abortions to suffer from mental health issues afterward). If I was the seme I would also not want Hosik to hang out with a friend who sewed conflict in our relationship... whatever you may think of it, if Hosik had just wear the tracking bracelet and showed the seme that he didn't have to worry or be anxious, like 85% of the conflict could have been avoided. Obviously the seme has abandonment issues ingrained into his very soul, and the solutions for abandonment is not learning to be fine alone, it's solved my total trust and connection with someone! The most autonomy is found in relationship where they are very connected to eachother. Sungyeon really only acts crazy when Hosik is vulnerable, i.e. when he's pregnant and is actually at much higher risk. I would be comforted by know my SO was able to find me wherever an issue arose. Literally it's just Jiwoon nagging him about how the seme is crazy (without ever actually really getting to know him). Hosik doesn't even have anything to hide... what's the big deal if it calms the person you love when they are stressed? Honest Hosik has a rich husband who is devote, loving, and spoils the hell out of him. He actually doesn't ask for anything too crazy, his biggest problem is that he doesn't ask, he just does... if he did I think Hosik would agree but it's his domineering approach that makes Hosik resistant but it's almost always out of genuine and understandable concern. My long point is that is Hosik acted on what he felt and actually wanted rather than what he thinks he should want because other people say so, then the seme would probably have cooled down some of his more toxic behaviors... and it's true that they are absolutely toxic at times... I just also pity him and understand the emotional trauma is real
Say what you will about Hosik not needing to compromise at all, but relationships are built on compromise and they clearly are destined to love each other
Also I'm gonna try real hard to resist replying to any responses for my peace of mind I just had to type this out

    wackasshoe January 9, 2024 8:15 pm

    WORD FOR WORD!!! So glad someone finally takes time to explain this manhwa, I wanna thank you for that. This is one of my favorite and I'm tired of everyone dragging this down without actually understanding the story. The story isn't perfect and it has a lot of flaws but I still adores it. I am fully aware that this isn't everyones cup of tea, we have different preference and opinions and I respect that. I want to say a lot more but that would take forever. I truly appreciate you and I hope both sides of your pillow is cold and comfortable.

    HUALIAN IS LIFE January 10, 2024 7:24 am

    Damn you said all the things I wanted to say, I appluad and AGREE so much