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Hypothesis Based On Lastest Chapter

Sora January 14, 2024 8:34 pm

JK, as a child, was probably a really sweet boy, but was probably abused by a toxic male or someone who really believes in toxic masculinity (probably the same person who taught him boxing) and drove into him that he needed to be "a man". This person probably got worse once they found out JK was gay, so growing up JK became exactly what that person wanted: the best boxer and the most dominant, manliest man in the room. This is displayed in how he hates "softness" and "weakness" (like how he tells Kim Dan not to cry) and how he praises when "strength" is shown (like when Kim Dan punches him). There are certain points where his sweet personality show through (him being drunk in the last chap) because that was his personality before, and he's probably going to become really cruel to Kim Dan for a little bit when he realizes he saw JK's "weak side".

The story seems to be headed in the direction that Kim Dan will teach JK to be gentler and that it's okay, and JK will teach Kim Dan to be stronger and stand up for himself.

    Sora January 14, 2024 8:47 pm

    Also, he probably never had someone actually love him before. When Kim Dan asks him for anything, like the wish from the boxing match or money, he often responds "That's what this is really about" which seems to show people only want him for his cock and/or material goods, and he's never properly been loved before (or he has and it ended terribly).

    sounds gay, im in January 14, 2024 8:55 pm
    Also, he probably never had someone actually love him before. When Kim Dan asks him for anything, like the wish from the boxing match or money, he often responds "That's what this is really about" which seems t... Sora

    the fact that this makes sense keeps me want to continue thinking what will happen next

    Daiku ♥ January 14, 2024 10:19 pm

    Exactly! Also isn’t it weird that we haven’t found out a thing from Jaekyung’s past at this point? Like everything about him is kept so tight under wraps and it’s *so* weird.

    You would think his parents would’ve been mentioned very early into the story considering Korean culture and how proud they are when it comes to their children’s achievements. But the story literally acts like they don’t even exist.

    He never talks about them either. And the media doesn’t mention them AT ALL.

    I personally think Jaekyung is one of the most mysterious of the main characters and that says a lot because the story literally revolves around him and Dan

    Morning Diamonds January 14, 2024 10:26 pm
    Exactly! Also isn’t it weird that we haven’t found out a thing from Jaekyung’s past at this point? Like everything about him is kept so tight under wraps and it’s *so* weird. You would think his parents... Daiku ♥

    There is a hint about his past.. I missed it the first time but when the second time happened i caught it and when I read back I caught the first time. We have a hint.

    Daiku ♥ January 15, 2024 6:15 pm
    There is a hint about his past.. I missed it the first time but when the second time happened i caught it and when I read back I caught the first time. We have a hint. Morning Diamonds

    Whats the hint…?