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Koh's boyfriend should have just left him, the poor guy doesn't even know he got cheated o...

Irene January 16, 2024 2:41 pm

Koh's boyfriend should have just left him, the poor guy doesn't even know he got cheated on (even though it was SA for Kiumi). Koh is an asshole through and through. He basically assaulted both Shizume and Kiumi. The dude is a serial assaulter.

Anyways, I do want Shizume to say "I like/love you" at least ONCE, but some people shitting on him for not coming out are SO weird. This isn't a walk in the park, it's coming out. He will have to be ready to face the scrutiny of the people around him once he comes out. That isn't an easy task.

As an introverted and private person, I relate to Shizume's struggles of wanting to be lowkey and not attract unnecessary attention. He may not have verbalized his feelings for Kiumi, but he has expressed his feelings for Kiumi many times through his actions. He is taking baby steps to accommodate Kiumi and to make him feel more secure in their relationship. That is HIS way of expressing his love.

    Blue February 15, 2024 7:12 am

    Irene February 15, 2024 11:13 am
    Star**** March 17, 2024 3:44 pm

    I totally agree! This manga don't need an "I love you" it's obvious that he loves kiumi! He also changed a lot of his behaviors for kiumi and both are very happy with it. There is no need for this words. There behavior is full of love. That's enough.
    That's even more than a love scene that's just for show. I like this manga because it feels more real than a lot of others. And not saying "I love you" easily is a big part of this realistic atmosphere.