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Fl lost her brain cells please help search

Minoo January 17, 2024 11:24 pm

She appears in the sleeping chambers of the crown prince - in his bed no less ! He has never seen her and doesn’t know that she is his transformed pet bird (how would he know?? Which sane persons sees a stranger and thinks a yes this is my pet which has transformed into a human) and then she proceeds to BE HURT because he is suspicious of her and questions her ?????

This is the crown prince and you are essentially a stranger WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO ?? ”O yes Mylady have you gone lost? Oh now that I look at it my bird isn’t in the room but you are - you must be my pet bird right haha come let’s get married” - is that the reaction she was waiting for?

I don’t know why I keep expecting logic from these braindead leads but damn the standards are sinking deeper than the titanic

    Minoo January 17, 2024 11:29 pm

    And petition to stop viewing woman who are dumb as cute - being intelligent does not mean you aren’t or can’t be cute and at the same time being dumb does not make you cute. I admit sometimes it can be a little endearing but that is within limits and the behaviour that she is exhibiting is NOT in the normal realms - girl probably has an aneurysm.

    January 29, 2024 10:25 am

    Are you dumb? She's an angel/bird, NOT a human. She spent 200 years focusing on JUST physical training and she barely knows anything abt humans