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absolute favorite manga

magicmushrooms January 24, 2024 2:53 pm

this is genuinely my favorite manga ever i think. i reread this every 6 months or so. i just love every perspective and how realistic this was. it’s not a sunshine-and-rainbows story, but it’s not pure angst either; it’s like life. i especially loved seunghee and suhyeok’s story, maybe bc i relate to suhyeok a lot. i don’t understand why ppl think seunghee had no personality since we get a pretty detailed explanation of why he is the way he is in the beginning, and how he changes as the story progresses. i love so much about this story. i love almost all the characters (pedo guy excluded obv). inbeom and seunghee’s friendship is so meaningful to me. inbeom isn’t your typical “irredeemably horrible bully” that you see in so many mangas. he is very flawed yes but some of the feelings (“now i know i’m the bad guy and people don’t change”) he suffered from resonated with me. i know its actually a pretty long manga but i truly wish it never ends every time i read it :)

    bvalgarisvengali January 26, 2024 8:16 pm

    I HAVE THE SAME 6 MONTH REREAD RULE TOO!?!???? It's my absolute favorite webtoon of all time it was so sooo so refreshing and I'm glad I gave it a go. Kyubin especially left a big impression MY BABAAAA. I agree with everything you've said and I wish more people would pick it up....