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God this is so fucking boring. Everything about fl is boring. She doesn’t have any signi...

Chip chop January 25, 2024 6:44 am

God this is so fucking boring. Everything about fl is boring. She doesn’t have any significant character traits and it’s the same cliche story line as always: poor innocent hardworking girl becomes poor and needs to provide for her family / rich powerful ml saves her / she falls in love with ml and tries her best for him.

    Munivar February 7, 2024 6:18 pm

    Yeah. For me, stories like this feel increasingly defeatist because they reduce the resourcefulness of the fl to a mere plot point. It's become the modern equivalent of the Cinderella story. And that makes it worse because unlike Cinderella struggling in the medieval world, the modern world offers so many more opportunities and resources.

    Authors could innovate and add so much into these stories without taking their readers back into the 90s.

    Chip chop February 7, 2024 11:07 pm
    Yeah. For me, stories like this feel increasingly defeatist because they reduce the resourcefulness of the fl to a mere plot point. It's become the modern equivalent of the Cinderella story. And that makes it w... Munivar

    Literally! it kind of continues on the stereotype of a woman always being a damsel in distress NEEDING to be saved by a man. Fucking bullshit