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I must say it’s a circus

Soybean January 29, 2024 12:23 am

The court proceedings are ridiculous and I was so looking forward to the trial. The author should have done some research on law before writing these scenes. The attorneys are constantly arguing and jabbing at each other in ways that would never be permitted in an actual court and there’s no semblance of order to the ramblings. Why are the plaintiffs talking? Where are the examination, cross- examination and redirect?

I get that there is a fantasy setting with possible differences in proceedings but honestly this is such a mess.

    Geek Goddess January 30, 2024 12:07 am

    Well....I's historical tho. OI Historical. And back during those days, not every country, kingdom, etc had viable court proceedings and procedures like it is now. Everywhere was different. Now, if this was a modern romance story, then I would say the same thing you're saying that the Authoe should have researches, but in Fanro/OI and places where it's a made up kingdom or country, I think we can give the Author a break.

    BUT....I will say that them arguing back and forth all the time is annoying, but also entertaining in that it's getting my blood boiling bc I want this f*cking family to lose so bad.

    Soybean January 30, 2024 12:40 am

    Haha, fair enough and I totally agree with your last point~~