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Why do you hate noona x jiwoo so bad?

jjj January 31, 2024 1:33 am

I don't get why so many people hate the romance between jiwoo and noona. I think you're forgetting that it's past 200 chapters now, let the boy enjoy romance if he wants too. And she isn't so bad herself, she's nice and strong. I think you got used to romance where the girls is always blushing and there's so much tension etc.

Theirs is just peaceful and slow and I don't think it's forced at all. There's a potential, and it looks mutual plus there's no unnecessary miscommunication (thank god)

It's just that romance is not the main focus here, so we only get short moments so I recommend y'all enjoy it rather than consistently complaining about it.

It's been happening since 100's chapters. "It looks force. " "I hate the romance. " "I'll drop this. " Blah blah blah.

We heard you so please, just sit back and enjoy. Scroll if you don't like it.
