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lmao I really need to switch off my brain for this. this is disturbing me now for some rea...

Azi February 1, 2024 4:57 pm

lmao I really need to switch off my brain for this. this is disturbing me now for some reason

fl was 18yrs old when she die and she was 7yrs on her present body when she fall in love with the handsome face of riel guy. so 7yrs old + 18 mature brain (adult brain) = she already have 25 yrs age. lol

FL treat everyone and act like an adult mind. from Duke family and to the 2 classmate of her. she think as a mature person person and yet she starting to fall for a 15 yrs old..

They hate that riel guy is 18 and that fl is 11. that the guy is pedo when it's the fl who's the first to fall to 15 yrs old guy lmao. she have a mature mind that time and aware of her being mature and yet they shadow banned it coz she have a body of a child so it's the guy's who's the bad guy who fall for the minor fl when it's fl who already have this love feelings despite having a mature and adult brain. eww.

