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I’m struggling to continue

Caramelbear♡ February 6, 2024 1:32 am

I really like Mr Kwon as a character but I’m finding his clinginess to be a bit much. And I get it, Kanghyun wasn’t really great at the beginning (would I call him irredeemable? No) I just feel like if Mr Kwon respected her he’d give her space to figure things out with Kanghyun properly. I also think I’m uncomfortable bc our MC is constantly uncomfortable when Mr Kwon just inserts himself where he’s not wanted bc of jealousy or being overprotective— even kanghyun isn’t that petty. Like he’s weirdly pushy? Even when he can tell she’s unsure. It makes his words pretty inconsistent with his actions bc he wants her to think about it and there’s “no pressure” but at the same he won’t allow to express her own feelings in her own personal time just bc he doesn’t like the guy?? It doesn’t help that the MC is pretty passive with most things except confronting her shitty friend. Maybe I just need more time with this but idk each chapter is inching me closer to just dropping the whole thing

    Jojothehoehoe March 24, 2024 1:06 am

    But the 2nd ml is literally doing the same as Mr Kwon ☠ he’s even worse