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I am just sharing my thoughts on the dad's love life. I think the uni student is pretty an...

Muffint February 10, 2024 3:48 am

I am just sharing my thoughts on the dad's love life. I think the uni student is pretty and all but I don't know if I particularly like her, especially for him and his daughter. She seems a bit too immature and fickle to be able to handle a man with a kid romantically. She seems she would be upset if he missed a date or event more than once due to his kid. On the other hand, the friend's mom seems like she makes a good or okay partner like she would support his lifestyle with art and stuff and wouldn't demean his profession. I also liked the fact that she didn't push to know their info like his relationship with his daughter although there were obvious signs that could be deemed odd. It may be because is a single mom and seemingly older than him that she has a maturity that other girl lacks that's why I like her. Plus it is not like she is trying to push for a relationship like the other girl. Anyway this is just my very long two sense and to be honest this manhwa would have been fine with no romance too.

    Camie February 10, 2024 3:42 pm

    I feel the same way but i would love if there was a romance so yeondu gets a mom (and sister) lol. I would love to see how she would react cuz yeondu has her dad all to herself now she would have to share i wonder how she would look and react to that. Also hes only 25 i think there is plenty of time